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NYC Outward Bound Schools builds and supports individualized, long-term corporate partnerships with companies committed to high student achievement in our City’s public schools. Corporate partners have the opportunity to sponsor specific initiatives, events, or provide in-kind support. Additionally, we provide our sponsors with customized employee engagement opportunities that connect corporate employees with volunteer projects at our schools.

Partner With Us

Host students at your office for a day

On-site and office visits offer students a chance to see what the workplace is like, while also hearing and learning from the people that work there. We work with you to build an agenda that is both fun, engaging, and informative. Events can last anywhere from 2.5 hours to 4 hours, and often include an office tour and lunch.

Serve as an expert in your field

Through our approach of project-based learning, students work for an extended period of time investigating and responding to culturally relevant and complex real-world questions. In a project-based unit the students’ work culminates in a presentation of learning where they share their findings with an authentic audience. During these presentations, students apply their learning rather than restate their work. Corporate partners can help us provide volunteers who are experts in the fields that students can engage with and learn from.

Featured Corporate Partners

Capital One

Capital One has partnered with us since 2009 and was instrumental in helping us launch the College & Career March across our network schools and expand it nationally. In addition to financially supporting the event, Capital One provides over 100 volunteers and high-profile speakers to join us every year. Together, we’ve supported our schools in making this a successful annual event that motivates students to attend college and spreads the message that college is accessible to all.

O’Melveny & Myers LLP

O’Melveny & Myers LLP provides important writing mentorship to 11th grade students from our Leaders High School. Each student is partnered with an employee volunteer from O’Melveny who provides academic support on key writing projects throughout the year. Almost 100 volunteers have participated over the past 2 years.


Students at Brooklyn Collaborative are invited to Salesforce several times a year to explore STEM careers, learn about traditional and alternative career paths, and practice their interview and networking skill in a professional environment.

If you would like more information about how to partner with NYC Outward Bound Schools, contact [email protected]. For our full list of corporate partners visit our Supporters page.

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