How To Partner With Us
Each year, we partner with more than 70 NYC public schools to foster social, emotional and academic development (SEAD) in students.
We offer two distinct types of partnership — our school-based work, which focuses on coaching teachers and leaders, and our outdoor adventure work, which is delivered through direct student programming. Many schools opt to partner with us in both ways, choosing a powerful holistic strategy that impacts everyone in the school community — teachers, leaders and students alike.
Regardless of how schools work with us, all of our partners align around our shared SEAD approach, and are engaged in work aimed at increasing belonging, agency and engagement for all students.

Types of Work

We support a growing network of NYC public schools who are engaged in our school-based work. This work is delivered through coaching teachers and school leaders, and participation in networked learning communities. Schools can pursue one of two school-based pathways, or opt into both:
Crew is our signature advisory structure that supports social, emotional and academic development.
This pathway helps schools build sustainable Crew structures and a school-wide culture of Crew, where students and educators practice empathy and compassion, look out for one another, and work toward shared goals.
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Instruction for Deeper Learning
Instruction for Deeper Learning is a schoolwide approach to teaching and learning where students and educators are empowered to come together to create complex and impactful work. Every day, in each class, the leadership, ideas and reflections of young people drive our efforts to improve their education and achieve equity in schools and beyond.
This pathway supports educator growth in daily instruction so that students experience a sense of adventure through inquiry, make connections and create original work that matters to them.
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Outdoor Adventure
Our Outdoor Adventure work is delivered through direct programming with students. Schools can engage in one or many of our program pathways:
Crew Connect
Our Crew Connect community building program encourages students to foster connection and belonging with their peers by taking part in fun activities and collaborating to solve problems.
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Crew Climbing
Our Crew Climbing program encourages participants to step out of their comfort zones and develop focus, commitment, tenacity and trust as they scale our outdoor rock wall or indoor rock walls at local climbing gyms.
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Crew Adventure
Our overnight Crew Adventure program combines one day of community building in a large NYC park with 3 days/2 nights at Sharpe Reservation, our wilderness campsite in Fishkill, NY.