We invite you to learn more about our work at NYC Outward Bound Schools by browsing through our videos, stories and impact numbers online.

"Educator's View: How Outward Bound Schools Support Student Wellness — & Learning"
In this article for The 74, CEO Vanessa Rodriguez highlights the importance of belonging and community in addressing inequities within the education system.

"The Balance of Convergence and Divergence in Building Collective Efficacy"
Authored by Aurora Kushner, NYC Outward Bound Schools’ Director of Impact and Continuous Improvement, and Tom Rochowicz, Principal of WHEELS, this article on HTH Unboxed discusses the balance between implementing a shared vision and giving educators the freedom to take ownership and risks.

"How to Develop a Grade-Wide PBL Unit"
In this article for Edutopia, Frank Marino, a humanities teacher at MS 839, discusses how the 8th grade teacher team developed a student-centered PBL unit around the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Crew Initiative
The success of Crew Initiative’s first year has led to a renewal of city funding for a second year of implementation in 50 schools, in addition to support from private grants.
Our First Year of Crew Initiative
Hear from our Crew Coaches, Crew Guides & school leaders on how Crew is making a big impact in their school communities.
More About NYC Outward Bound Schools

Our 2022 Student Advisory Council
Meet the new group of 13 students from our Network Schools who help with input on our programming, strategic planning and advocate for their peers’ needs.

Our Supporter List
This list reflects contributors in our 21-22 fiscal year, which spanned from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

Who We Work With
We operate a network of 14 schools and partner with 64 additional schools who receive our coaching services and/or Adventure & Team Building programming.

Teacher Spotlight: Dana Nelson
Dana Nelson, a 12th grade English teacher at Leaders, was the 2022 recipient of our Gaynor McCown Excellence in Teaching Award.
A Closer Look at Socratic Seminars
As part of Dana’s Gaynor McCown award video, we had the chance to sit in on her 12th grade English class during a Socratic Seminar discussion.