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Peer Tutoring

Older teens connect on phone or video chat to help younger students virtually with their stay-at-home schoolwork.


Support learners in your school by helping your teachers make additional materials

Read books out loud and record them for those who need reading support. Remember to speak at a pace slower than regular conversation and add dramatic flair!


  • There are lots of free books in PDF form online. Check in with your teacher first to determine the most useful titles.

Lead Fitness Classes for your Peers

Work alone or in groups to make up fun, workout routines and invite other students to join through a video chat. If audio is a challenge, you can make a mix on Spotify and send it to the group ahead of time to play in the background while you instruct! Fun way to stay active and connect with others while staying home.


  • Example of a simple intervals workout here.

Plan online meet-ups

Create opportunities for students to meet up online to talk, play games together or engage in more structured activities like online team building activities. Make groups as inclusive and random as possible.


Honor your teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 4-8

Consider sending gratitude and organizing your classmates to do so. Your teachers are also working incredibly hard to learn new technologies and ensure you stay connected and engaged.


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