Change Packages
As schools, teams, and coaches work towards a common outcome for students, we discover ideas that work, ideas that can be shared with others who are interested in doing similar work. Change packages capture these ideas. Change packages are practical tools that capture the set of ideas, proven in practice, in order to build towards the desired result. They can be powerful starting places for others seeking to improve outcomes for young people. While all of these change ideas have been proven, a shift in context or conditions may lead to different results, hence the need to modify and adapt for the unique situation at your school.
The NYC Outward Bound Schools Change Packages are a collection of change ideas that lead to increased sense of belonging and agency in students. These change ideas have emerged from our Crew Initiative, a network of 50 partner schools who are building the capacity to implement or strengthening their practice of Crew — our signature advisory structure — in their own school communities.
In these change packages, you’ll find streamlined implementation steps, data-driven case studies and suggestions on how to build community buy-in around the change idea.

Increasing Student Voice
Students want and need to feel like co-creators of their own learning trajectory. Student confidence and leadership both grow as their voice is heard and valued. By giving students specific ways to practice using their voice, schools can be one place where students feel safe, receive feedback, and grow the skill over time.