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Leaders High School fights Bullying >

ABC 7’s Diana Williams returns to Leaders High School to follow up with the Peer Mediators, Leaders’ restorative justice program.

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Reflections on 30 Years of NYC Outward Bound Schools >

By Richard Stopol, President & CEO, NYC Outward Bound Schools In our early days, whenever I put New York City and Outward Bound in the same sentence, I was routinely greeted with a response that went something along these lines: “that’s an oxymoron.” To many, the pairing of Outward Bound and New York City seemed anomalous, jarring […]

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WHEELS Receives 2017 SupportMusic Merit Award from The NAMM Foundation >

WHEELS is one of only 92 schools in the country to receive the prestigious SupportMusic Merit Award for excellence in music education.

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MELS students inspire with Portraits of Activism >

For 8th-graders at MELS, lessons in writing, art and social studies have come together in a published book of 25 interviews and portraits of social activists in New York City.