Our Students
Many schools we partner with serve students from historically under-resourced communities. Our work seeks to disrupt inequitable educational systems and unleash students' capacity as change agents and leaders of their own learning.
Our Reach
Over our 35+ year history, we have impacted the lives of nearly 300,000 students.

We work with 70 NYC public schools each year.

This year, we served over 24,000 students and over 2,500 educators.
Support equitable, immersive and joyful learning.
When students feel they belong, have a voice, and are engaged in learning that matters to them, they are more likely to succeed academically.
DONATEThird Party Research
Crew Keeps Kids in School
A four-year study conducted by Metis Associates determined that chronic absentee rates at NYC Outward Bound Schools that were part of the study were less than half that of comparison schools. In other words, Crew has a statistically significant impact on student attendance. Read More
Improving Reading and Math
A 2013 Mathematica Policy Research study of three of our network middle schools found that the schools significantly boost students’ reading and math—students gained 7 months of additional learning growth in reading and roughly 10 months in math accumulated over three years. Read More