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Professional Development Programs

NYC Outward Bound Schools offers single- and multi-day professional development workshops for NYC educators and teacher teams. Our expert facilitators engage participants in programming that helps schools build a stronger sense of belonging among students and better integrate social, emotional and academic development into their classrooms. 

Community Building 101

Community Building 101 is a one-day workshop designed for educators and student leaders in middle or high school. It is best for those who are new to leading team building activities and/or do not have an advisory structure in place at school.

Participants will:

  • engage in easy-to-implement activities — including check-ins, ice breakers, and getting-to-know-you activities — and have time to practice facilitation skills with other participants
  • learn the basics of facilitation and stages of group development
  • understand the value of routines and structures

Takeaways from this workshop can be applied in any school setting. Please note:

  • student leaders must be in at least 6th grade
  • elementary educators are welcome, provided they understand they may need to apply their own expertise of what is developmentally appropriate for their students to adapt content from this workshop

Crew 101

Crew 101 is a three-part workshop designed for educators and student leaders in middle or high school. It is best for those who have an advisory structure in place at school or are planning to launch one soon.

Participants will:

  • learn about Crew, NYC Outward Bound Schools’ supercharged version of advisory, by jumping right into a sample 45-minute Crew session
  • debrief the Crew session by unpacking the experiences as a participant
  • understand how to lead a Crew session by stepping into the role of “Crew Advisor”
  • return to the second and third sessions of this PD with feedback from what they tried in their classrooms and work with a coach to add to their toolbox and plan for next steps

Please note:

  • student leaders must be in at least 6th grade
  • elementary educators are welcome, provided they understand they may need to apply their own expertise of what is developmentally appropriate for their students to adapt content from this workshop

For more information or to book a program, contact:

Badari Ambatti
Director of Client Relations
[email protected]
(718) 706-9900 x 125

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