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Founded in 2007, Leaders High School serves about 350 students in grades 9 – 12, and is located in Gravesend, Brooklyn, in the Lafayette Educational Complex. Because it serves an especially diverse group of language learners—students speak more than 20 different languages—classes are often mixed grade and taught through collaborative team teaching in order to provide students with personalized attention and support. In addition to preparing students for college and careers, Leaders aims to provide them with the skills and motivation to become effective leaders in their own communities.
Like many NYC Outward Bound Schools, Leaders facilitates Performance-Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs) in place of Regents exams (although all Leaders students take the English Regents exam). PBATs are in-depth analytical papers that students research, write, and revise in every class. In eleventh and twelfth grade, students must publicly defend their PBATs before a panel of teachers and visiting experts during a process called Mastery Passages.

Leaders is a credentialed EL school, which indicates that Leaders is doing an exemplary job of implementing the EL Education model and is supporting students to achieve at high levels on all three dimensions of student achievement: Mastery of Academic Skills and Content, High-Quality Work, and Character.

College Access Learn more about our To & Through College program, which helps students plan for college and be successful once enrolled.

In order to support students and families during the college process, Leaders provides a full-time college counselor and dedicated college office, a full-time internship coordinator who arranges interns for juniors, and a required College and Career Dreams class, attended by juniors and seniors. Leaders is also committed to restorative practices, and approach to discipline that is focused on changing behavior and repairing harm. Instead of punitive measures or handing out punishments, restorative practices allow students to reflect on and learn from their mistakes, and resolve conflicts as a community. Leaders is one of five NYC Department of Education Restorative Justice Mentor Schools.

For more information about Leaders High School, or to enroll your child, please visit the school’s official website.

Leaders High School
2630 Benson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11214
(718) 333-7700
Email: [email protected]
School Code: 21K572
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