Facilitating Students Leading Their Own Learning
EL Core Practice 11: Delivering Effective Instruction
- Engage students with a task that invites them to grapple with the text or problem of the lesson. They use questions, graphics, video, artifacts or hands-on experience to connect students with the big idea or concept addressed in the classroom.
- Describe next steps in the learning to orient students in the project or series of lessons and to provide the big picture for their learning.
- Introduce a brand new skill or routine using demonstrations, think-alouds, role plays, or Fishbowls to show what meeting the learning target looks like.

Interactive Lesson Plan Formats
Using HyperDocs Templates
+ Open source document that allows you to make a copy and then organize tasks (daily, weekly, etc.) into one document
+ For students who have trouble keeping track of their work, consolidating into one document may ensure greater completion and understanding of how tasks support one another

Dynamic Presentation Formats
Using Explain Everything
+ Expandable whiteboard format
+ Provides a options to write/type, record audio, add notes and add clips from the internet
+ Dynamic with lots of options
+ Allows for collaboration between multiple users
Δ Due to the robust nature of this app, it is instruction-heavy. You need lots of space to work and allow participants to build together

Providing Daily Student Choice
Using Interactive Learning Menus
+ Open source templates that allow you to offer “choice boards” for differentiation of tasks
+ Several templates lean toward offering 6+ choices, have reformat to limit number of options provided especially for daily, short-term tasks

Making Videos for Mini-Lessons
Using Loom or Screencastify
+ Two simple Chrome/Google friendly platforms that enable you to make videos to explain a concept, body of knowledge, or procedure, narrate assignments, provide verbal feedback for student work, etc.
+ Also can be used for read aloud
+ Record your voice or an embedded video of yourself as you narrate or explain content over the document, image, or series of slides
+ Provide different tools for pointing to or highlighting text/images
See More Tools & Resources

Online Tools for Virtual Project-Based Learning

Discussion Tools

Checks for Understanding/Formative Assessments