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Social Justice Issues Related to COVID-19 Pandemic Choice Board

Browse the below categories to find a social justice issue that speaks to you. Learn more and gather ideas about how you can help support these causes.

Fight xenophobia and racism around the origin/spread of the virus

Help combat the increase in racist and xenophobic attacks against Asian Americans.

Spread facts and promote healthy behavior to prevent spread of COVID-19

Make sure everyone in our communities has accurate information about COVID-19.

Save youth jobs

Summer job programs in New York City have been canceled due to budget cuts.

Increase participation in the US Census

Now that face-to-face education regarding Census participation can no longer happen, online advocacy is more important than ever.

Increase voter turnout

Given stay-at-home orders, voter registration efforts have gone virtual. How can you make a difference in the upcoming election?

Environmental justice

Earth Day was April 22, but don’t limit your actions to just one day!

Healthcare inequalities

Existing inequalities are exacerbated by the virus.

School funding

Due to the costs to New York City during the pandemic, schools are facing massive budget cuts.

Addressing mental health concerns

How can we take care of ourselves and others during these stressful times?

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